Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Torn between right and right
How does one decide 
Which side the balance tilts
When both employ reason's guilds?

When the head listens but cannot be swayed
But the other's points it does not upbraid, 
Two opinions: one more agreeable,
But the other also credible. 

One's hurt felt deep, 
Another's priniciples pay a price steep, 
Both leave the other be, 
Concern for each other decree. 

Yet a difference on some turns of tide, 
Can/Should they be really brushed aside? 
Is it ok to neglect 01 pain or the other forsake? 
Why should such decisions have to be made? 

Oh! Sometimes family causes such turbulent times, 
Even as Unity it resoundingly chimes, 
Yes, the two poles graciously yield, 
Let one retire from the field. 

Yet one feels a sense of gloom
A shame that not more one could do, 
Not a choice, perhaps,  but a clear way
To have peace and happiness and unity reign. 

Torn between the right and right
It becomes a question of who one sides:
Whose shoes fit better though both are tried? 
Or who would be stronger when the tears are dried? 

- Written on 12 October 2016.
- Sometimes loving guarantees quandries. And while no one pressurises,  one feels guilt for doing nothing and for not doing anything.  And yes, there is a difference in the two :( 

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