Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Some days, some nights

Some days, some nights
You pause, you reflect, you emit sighs,
In memory of conversations, the 1:00am kind,
The comfort that only with friends you will find. 

Some days, some nights, 
You wonder how time slipped by
When, and also why
The conversations reduced by and bye. 

Some days, some nights,
Reality lands you in a blindside,
Then love releases a triumphant cry,
No matter what, some bonds, however stretched, will see you through life.  

Some days, some nights, 
Make you relive anew those delights, 
And a promise elicit outright:
"I will always be there (in spirit at least) by your side".

- Written on 18 March 2015
- Somehow it is in the middle of random actions that you suddenly miss someone the most. For no reason. Not that they are away, or distant. Just that they are not there right that moment by your side for a hug. Or that it is too late, too early, too inconvenient to call to say a "Hullo".
- So you whatsapp them your angst, so they can wake up to it and curse you, I guess ;) 
- Then again, it is their fault for being your 1:00am friend.  

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