Sunday, March 08, 2015

Happy Women's Day

"Women should stay at home and stay protected." 

Not that that would make a woman safe from abuse, be that of a father or mother or brother or sister or husband or father-in-law or mother-in-law or the various other relatives and friends, but she would stay safe from strangers, well maybe not the courier delivery person or the milkman, or the vegetable vendor, or the sundry salespersons, but she would be safe. Yes, indeed safe. 

"Women should not deck up and go out. It is an open invitation to rape, molestation, abuse and degradation."

Not that fully decked women, women in the 'ultimate Indian attire', the Sari, are never molested, but at least she would have society's sympathy and outrage and who knows maybe the abusers would be reminded of other women they like and spare these women, whom they probably abuse or have mutely witnessed being abused anyway, but "decently clad" women needing to venture out would be safe. 
Yes, indeed.

"Women should go out alone. Women should be accompanied by men who are relatives when going out."

Of course, because random strangers will immediately recognize that you are related and will not pull you up and ask you bizarre questions as to who you are and where you are going and why you are out at all. Women will be then safe. 
Yes, quite. I do see your point. 

"One cannot expect the police to keep you safe. They are so overburdened. Just do not tempt. Do not question. Do not flash. Do not advertise. Do not hide. Do not be quiet. Do not be loud. Do not laugh. Do not reject. Do not agree. It is your responsibility to keep yourself safe and your family 'honour' intact."

Yes. That is why when houses get new paint and get robbed, the owners deserve it. That is why when one buys jewellery, perhaps diamonds, and the house is broken into, one is told that one 'invited' the crime and the criminals, sorry the 'dogs'. That is why when flashy cars are stolen, the owner is chided for the thirst to show off and not  be satisfied with a 'safer' option. That is why someone late at night is knifed outside the ATM, the government should ban ATMs and such, the cause of all such crime. 
Yes, indeed. I agree wholeheartedly. 

Happy Women's Day all! 
I hope for a day when we can celebrate ALL genders equally and every day. 

- Written on 8 March 2015
- I am still reeling with India's Daughter, reactions to the same, counter reactions to the same and on and on it goes.

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