Saturday, January 10, 2015

Conflicting Missions, 1 Victim

[18:28, 10/01/2015] Anusha Ramanathan:

 Mommy Tip no. 192837465: 
-Call daughter rushing out with slight urgency. 
-Dishevel said daughter's hair (even more) 
-Say nothing as she looks aghast.
-Daughter remembers umpteen other times of being told to check hair before leaving.
-Daughter whips out comb on her way down stairs. 
-Mission Mommy 192837465 accomplished. 😂

[18:37, 10/01/2015] Anusha Ramanathan:

 Mission Auto 459:
-Have a really low side fringe for roof top cover so Daughter with newly combed hair has to duck really low to protect said hair. 
-Then have really low roof, double rexined with foam cushion on the top cover??, to further mash said combed hair. 
-Then whip through lanes as breeze blows to further restyle combed hair, with jerks and halts galore to give not just hair, but the spine a new fashion style. 
- Charge more than a parlour for new hairstyle that sort of represents the mommy mission 192837465 stage 2.

- Written on 10 January 2015.
- Whatsapp conversation pasted herein. 

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