Monday, April 12, 2010

'Run! Don't look back!"
"Wait! Always watch your back!"
"Attack! Don't just stand and stare."
"Defend! Never provoke another's dare."

The tennis ball aced around
Is not hit so well into the ground.
How do I explain my ditherance
When I am never met with forbearance?

I run and watch my back
Invariably lose my place on the track.
I attack and then defend
About being sure of myself I pretend.

Why do we confuse
Our children with our views?
When we ourselves have no answer
As to how to be a successful player.

Yet, I listen with bated breath
For the next formula to beat failure to death
I even follow at times
Then I pay for my crimes.

Do I learn? Of course not!
Why would I when advisors abound?
Sureshot methods I am often taught
Seems like I am the exception to the rules fraught.

An appeal here to you all
Tell me again once and not for all
How do I succeed
In making my dreams flower from seed?

-Written on 10 April 2010 - typed directly onto the blog :)
-Yes, another advice that I sent down the drain, thanks to my ineptitude. I live in hope that I may someday learn, but so far hope in vain.

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