Sunday, August 05, 2007

Incessant Rain

The rains are lashing everything in their way
We haven’t seen the sun for days.
Water is refreshing, I cannot deny
But moderation is surely required?
How can the earth absorb such a drenching,
As the heavens pour constantly?
Usually a pleasant sight, the trees swaying,
Today, brings with it dread of their falling.
The water levels rising should not concern
Those cocooned safely in their home.
But even here, the rains get flak,
Clothes do not dry, walls turn green and black.
Every surface is coated with such grime
That even wet wipes cannot make them shine.
Cleaning takes ever so long and seems so pointless
Everything is so dull, so lifeless.
Will it ever stop this incessant rain?
All it brings now is fear of suffering, of pain.

- Written on 5 August 2007
- It has been raining constantly for more than a week. I cannot go to Kalina library for fear of getting stuck in the lower lying area. And I have the usual rain wrought maladies. Need I say more?

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