Saturday, September 26, 2015

Go go Dodo, go, no, though, go.

Purposeful purposelessness, 
Awaiting nothingness,
Mysterious, absurd, illuminating,
Mankind's existence without meaning. 

Waiting for Godot,
Go though, though go go,
Go. No. Though. Go. Though.
Dodo, go Dodo, no go go go
Dodo dodo. Godot. Go Dodo.
Godot. Godot. Go no go. Dodo.
Dodo go go. Godot. 

Gibberish? Indeed. 
But pay heed. 
In this is hidden essense of humanity, 
We await patiently for some unknown release.
Nirvana? Perhaps. Or an illusion maybe? 
We wait, we question aimlessly, we talk pointlessly, we exist unthinkingly. 

Useless? Weird? 
Ceaseless? Relentless? Absurd? 
Out of thin air we create conversations,
We argue, exuberantly, for fleeting passions. 
We know not our own contradictions,
This is Waiting for Godot's seemingly senseless sense.

- Written on 26 September 2015
- In response to a student's question on the meaning in Waiting for Godot. 

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