Thursday, September 03, 2015

Emulate Ganesha, Not Merely Decorate

Graceful, decorated, seeming lonely,
Worthless, since these are for now empty.
But soon they too will be cherished,
When Gods in them are seated and worshipped.

Ah! The madness of this society,
Revere a deity known for simplicity,
And waste in abundance, with a kind of greed,
Even as we pretend to follow His creed.

We, His 'bhakts' destroy nature,
As more and more idols we for 10 days treasure,
Then pollute precious water,
That our sins be washed away hereafter.

No idol He worshipped, 'quick-fix solution' mark His every deed,
Yet with elaborate rituals He is ferried,
Ganesh Chathurthi arrives soon,
I wonder how He allows this doom.

Do I believe in God? - sometimes I wonder.
If this mayhem Gods allow, then what their power?
Maybe we should just look within,
And to follow Ganesha's principles now begin.

Not an idol, but His theology,
Not frenzy, but His rationality,
Not grandeur, but His chasteness,
Not loud insistence, but His quiet persistence...

If we can but try to emulate,
His principles, rather than the ornate,
Perhaps it would be a true tribute,
To the One, we all salute.

- Written on 02 September 2015
- I am already tired of seeing the decorations and the set ups. Can Ganesh Chathurthi be over already, please?

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