Tuesday, April 07, 2015


I wish a mother taught us right
To NOT sacrifice, but fight
To help others, yes,
But not be selfless.

To keep the peace
To NOT carve herself piece by piece
Guilt she inspires in women
False expectations in her family, her son

I wish she had not.
I wish she had fought.

I wish she had not people managed
When fathers stupidly ranted and raged,
Each time she ate what was left over,
Each time she pleased the other.

Is this the legacy that she wants us to emulate
This constant need to self-deprecate?
I want to scream, NO LONGER PLEASE.
You have a right to just be.

You have a headache, for God’s sake retire
You don’t want to cook, let others light the fire,
You are NOT the clean-up crew, others are there too,
Instead of jumping high, raise the bar for the family, do.

You DO NOT, SHOULD NOT come last,
I do NOT want to be in your this dye cast.

And those who blindly take and take,
Fathers, parents, children, Grow up for Pity’s sake!

-          - Written on 6 April 2015

-          - In response to the UMPTEENTH Stupid forward on the Greatness of the All-Sacrificing Mother. She is someone I NEVER WANT TO BE and actually do not even respect as much.

-          If the stupid father ranted, she should have brought him down instead of massaging his ego and keeping quiet, if the kid wanted extra classes, why did ONLY the mother have to sacrifice to get him/her the same, why was the food she ate AFTER everyone had eaten MORE than their fill, instead of ensuring that ALL sacrificed? Are these the lessons she should teach, one pays the price that ALL may prosper? I would so rather not have that selfish prosperity built on one person’s exploitation. And this systemic victimisation  is revered, not reviled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! 
       -   You know what, my mother DID NOT COOK when she did not feel like it. She did NOT cajole us, anyone of us, when we were being unreasonable, she did not let us win just because, she did not let us eat that extra dosa when there was a limited supply, she let us make mistakes AND PAY for them, and HER I respect. I would far rather have a friend, a human, a mother in my life than some Martyr!!!!!!!!!!!


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