Sunday, June 08, 2014

To Karthik

You began truly working at age 19
Though you were partners in a business at 16
I remember your aspirations, your determination,
Today when I think of you at your work station,
When I register anew your stagnation,
When I see the results of your resignation,
I feel a failure as your friend,
I never wanted to see you at this deadend.

When I see you with your shows, your documentaries,
When I hear the depth in your commentaries,
When I think of all that you could still achieve,
When I repent how you let opportunities out through a sieve,
When I realise again how important were your dreams,
When I sense my blindness to your loss, your grief,
I know now that a pat on the back is not enough,
I know faith cannot be sustained in front of pain relentless.

I hope, I pray, that some day you will awake,
To the dawn when life might yet offer you a stake,
In how your own life you shape,
That in successes you too may partake,
I know you care not much for your lack of health or degrees or wealth,
You only ever wanted to prove your mettle.
But know that you have proven it time and again,
Each time about your health you refuse to complain.

You are my hero for your empathy and your manifold ability
You awe me with your broadmindedness, with your humility,
You intimidate me with your grace, your intelligence,
You bowl me over as you constantly strive to your curiousity quench.
You have not let fate overcome your beliefs,
You have merely retired, post multiple defeats.
I await the day eagerly when you might reenter the fray,
Then you will win, bad times can't always hold sway.

- Written on 8 June 2014

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