Sunday, June 08, 2014


I wonder how people find the courage
To say 'Yes' after just a few days?
I have seen them make a success of marriage
Because they manage to keep the faith.

But I have also seen them give more care
To choosing a cell phone - such a minor affair.
How they decide to change and their lives share
Almost as if they took on a dare?

When lifelong companions still throw you a surprise
How do you love without a fear of reprise?
So many flaws on each side,
How do you know you can each other abide?

Life not by fear is to be ruled, agreed,
But did you not spend more time choosing a career field?
If life is to be taken so casually,
Why are we warned to look before we leap?

I salute these people brave
Their decision I joyously commemorate,
And hope I am never called to commiserate,
May they ever be happy, I pray.

- Written on 25 Jan 2014
- Too many people around me taking spot decisions and surprising me. 

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