Monday, September 16, 2024

Happy Birthday, Amma! 2024

2022, we lost you
2024, we miss you
Years pass, the loss stings less
But suddenly one remembers and it is not painless
As I tried remembering who gifted me
A dress, a chain, an art piece
I turned to ask you, as I usually would
But you were not there and it hurt good
The memory of the gifting I had forgotten I realized,
Coz I had not enough times with you the incident revised
Our late night talks, the reminisce of gratitude
Our random tête-à-têtes that contextualised actions and attitudes.
All the learnings and wisdom and processing that I miss now
The way your words just made me see light somehow. 
The tiredness of the loneliness of the soul
Even though friends will gladly me cajole or console, 
It is not same. It is not you, Amma. 
It is not the reprimand mixed with love and laughs.

Happy Birthday! Have fun wherever you be
And don't worry, I don't need your slap. I will stop being gloomy 😜

- Written on 16 September 2024. 
- Self-explanatory. But it does feel that I am wishing her more post her death than I made an event of it all the years she was alive. We were never the birthday celebrating family :D. She would actually hate all this sentimentality and have given me a good talking to at the very least. Bah! Humbug! Much ado about nothing! :)

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