The mom story is best untold
Her tragedies better not unfold
Like the migrants, she is best unseen
Unheard, unspoken, just felt unknowingly.
She toils, her hopes she rarely uncoils
For often the world uncaringly them foils.
She gives even as she lies hungry,
She pays even as the privileged get more luxury.
Sleepless, homeless, stateless, nameless,
Often past the use date discarded.
Oh! Stories of her are lovingly shared,
Her importance underlined threadbare.
But nothing is really done to help her any,
Not a vessel cleaned, no one else makes tea.
A thank you, a wonderful token
In her love all is forgiven.
But the migrant is not our mother,
Tolerance might not stretch for much longer.
Beware, learn, appreciate
In actions not just words truly emancipate.
Not the mother, not the migrant labourer
They know how to care for the other.
No. Emancipate yourself of self-absorption
Stop with the empty gestures and an odd token.
Live to ensure equality, not live off slavery.
That will be Mother's Day and Labour Day victory.
#mothersday #migrants #MeTooMigrant
- Written on Sunday, 10 May 2020.
- Today is Mother's Day. Yesterday's headlines screamed of the callous disregard that migrants are met with. A sample
A mother would silently do all the chores because it is the simplest way to get rid of the stupid faces that haven't a clue of what she is undergoing. Trying to explain is only an additional burden costing her time, energy and emotions
And that is the mistake she makes. She should let people starve, live in sties, and so on.
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