Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Happy Teacher's Day (2018)

Teacher's day is here again,
A chance to 'Thank You' for all that we have gained.
Here is my list for this year:
To completion it is nowhere near.

Thank you gardener uncle for patiently
Teaching me to use the spade gently.
Thank you Anil bhaiya for teaching me the milking art,
Thank you goat for being the patient guinea to help me start.
Thank you conductor of 505 on blurry mornings,
Teaching me the art of cheering up with quirky greetings.
Thank you earthworm for teaching me
To dig in the mud with so much glee.
Thank you squirrel for coaching me
To spot mangoes through you on our tree.
Thank you Suresh for tutoring
On the art of to great heights swinging.
Thank you friends for preparing me endlessly
For the art of failing hopelessly.
Thank you brother for enlightening me
Ever and ever on embracing humility.
Thank you doctors for upskilling me
On medicines and procedures though I have no degree.
Thank you transport in Mumbai for disciplining me
For every instance of my rush reach anywhere in a hurry.
Thank you bed for showing me
How to forget worries to gain new energy.

Thank you is not enough for all the ongoing learning
And teachers are not found in just a school building.

This not to say I respect not teachers in schools or colleges,
My gratitude to mine is boundless.
They are the ones who taught me after all
To appreciate teachers in all their forms.
They began by making me see
That I will learn only when the message and messenger I believe.

Thank you world for so many stalwarts of humanity,
To grow with and learn from to become a better me.

- Written on 5 September 2018.
- Self-explanatory.

An exchange on FB and WhatsApp each is something I will cherish always and hence am posting.

Dharam (who for years has been trying to get me to Dubai) on FB commented:
Thank you Emirates/jet/indigo/air india/air Arabia for being options for my impending Dubai trip.

Ramesh on WhatsApp said:
[9/5, 3:38 PM] Ramesh Dorai: ...Thank you for teaching  how " _just_ words" can teach  those that cannot be taught by just words...

 Happy teachers day

That poem  of yours, was wonderful 👏👏

My response:
You are one of the stalwarts in my life.

From you I learn how sacrifice is not martyrdom, how navy toughness can coexist with artistic softness much like the seas you traverse, how giving can be generous and how living means reaching out to many and yes, how words can be woven into poetry.

His Response
[9/5, 4:14 PM] Ramesh Dorai: It's an honour to be called so by a Super genius stalwart I know😉

I just linked sails. It's sea which taught it can be  waved

I just linked words. It's you who taught it can be woven


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