Tuesday, February 24, 2015


It has been a bad day today in some ways. 
I got into an argument yet again. 
But this one hurt me deeply, 
Someone said an adoptee has no family.

A student I know is one such
Who has been denied so much
His parents love him a lot, he says
But their families even now walk away. 

A loving touch, a gentle word, a joyous smile, 
Is it so hard to be be kind to a child? 
Genes are touted so much by people,
But really the difference is so miniscule. 

Did you know for instance that human DNA differs by 0.1% or less
From another human, origin regardless? 
That mtDNA inherited from the mother is the same composition
For all that belong to a wide continent region? 

Yet we distinguish, we need to know
The origin of child to place him high or low
In our rankings of love and respect
Based on prejudice, and some fear, I suspect. 

Do we not have in each of our familes,
Some killer, some thief, some secret we would like to keep? 
Yet what we protest is a member of another creed or community
And worse a person, an infant, with no known identity! 

Does it make sense when we know less of death and life hereafter
To embrace it so, but to shun a child because it knows not its gene provider?
I grew up on stories of the rearing of Krishna and Moghli, 
And I would rather be with a wolf than such specimens of 'humanity'. 

- Written on 23 Feb 2015
- Self-explanatory. Plus a similar argument with someone else on the possibility of TOTAL acceptance of adoptees by ALL. 
- The conversation took place after I showed a documentary in class 'The Human Spark: Episode 02'. The kid wanted to ahow this to his "family", more so his parents would not be reviled any more than for himself. I think he is more evolved than that extended FAMILY of his, but whatever. 
- Today has just been that kind of day. :( 
- I hope tomorrow brings a brighter thought being adopted. 

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