Sunday, January 23, 2011


Splash! we enter this world.
Splash! we are cleansed at birth.
Splash! we revel in games.
Splash! we wake to a new day.
Splash! we feel refreshed.
Splash! we focus afresh.
Splash! we wash away our tears.
Splash! we overcome our fears.
Splash! we our courage renew.Splash! we look forward to.

Splash! we now shudder.
Splash! we are infused with horror.
Splash! you ended our hope.
Splash! you cut life's rope.
Splash! we will forever be haunted
Splash! is this what you wanted?

- Written on 21 January 2010.
Yesterday, we got the news that my cousin had died purpotedly by jumping into a water body.


Unknown said...

Wow! your ramblings are much more than ramblings.
Wow!they are to me such beautiful gems.
Wow! I always thought of you as a bright, talented, cheerful girl.
Wow! I never knew you had a poetic soul.
And yes these comments are honest
Just SPLASHED at my heart's behest

Easwar Subramanian said...

Splash - resounding happy and sad..a word can convey a world of two extremes. Splash a promise hope yet resign us to sadness.