Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Memories - Memoirs

There are times when 5 min of a power cut seems like ages and then there are times when a power cut just allows me to revisit old haunts, revision interesting events and rethink my philosophies. I love whiling away hours with just my thoughts for company. I can just loll around the bed or even stare at a wall or TV or comp screen or even a book and take off on tangents in my mind. I fly to distant places and people. Not foreign, not always, but distant. Removed from this time and space by a few years. They may be remembrances or they may be dreamscapes of the future. It is a lot of fun most of the time.

However, because I love my mindscapes and live in them so often, I rarely know for sure if my memories are fact or fiction. I read somewhere that memories often change shape and are fashioned by what we choose to remember. Some of are better at repressing or reshaping memories than others. Hypnosis and many branches of psychiatry work successful on this premise.

Now why am I rambling about memories instead of engaging with them? Well, a friend asked me to jot down memories of our college days. I do not know if I can record them. So this is my way of engaging with the task.

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