Friday, July 26, 2024

Choices: Staying Safe or Voice Out Loud

I used to have a voice that I allowed to resonate
My thoughts, my feelings, as they appeared or were made
But slowly over the years past 
It is in caution that I bask
So much so that I even share and like
With so much more self-saving discernment than is right
If in a cocoon one stays, then what use education 
If one oppresses one's passion and opinions, then what use education? 
Am I afraid someone will pay the price for what I say
But if we never do, then isn't that a danger more grave? 
Staying safe, voicing in small circles will not a change create
Step out, speak up, speak loud, unafraid.

- Written on 5 May 2024
- I seem to feeling more and more stifled these days and mostly the one doing the stifling and censorship is me!! Need to be brave and shout out. :) 

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