Sunday, May 08, 2022

Celebrate: This is not a loss.

'How do you feel?' 
'Be not strong, let go', say people
But the legacy left me is courage
To try, to smile, even when afraid.
To accept gracefully
Fate's decree. 
To not lament one's lack. 
To focus on blessings had. 
To strive to be better. 
To not let limitations deter.

Some who know me, know
How I have had to 'go with the flow':
To struggle to even walk,
To hold a pencil or to even talk. 
Through dark times and the times of happiness
Mom was a powerhouse relentless. 

Do I miss her? I know not.
I can still hear her at me scoff. :)
Maybe when memory fades
When of her voice, her face, there is just a faint trace.
Then I will mourn the distance. 

For now she is painfree. 
Charting her new path and as usual making merry. 
For now I am glad she won her toss. 
On her terms came death: Celebrate. This is not a loss.

- Written through 23-28 April 2022.
- Self-explanatory. 

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