Sunday, May 16, 2021

Drip. Drip. Drip. Your Energy?

Drip. Drip. Drip. That is your energy.
Exiting slowly your body.

A message for a link that you heed
Just 5 minutes is all you need.
Calls ignored, but notification registers 1,2,3...
And your friendship slogan is "Count on Me"
You call back, how can you not
In times such as these so little to give you have got.

You listen to laments and cries
You tear up but console that time flies. 
There is so much sickness all around you
You see deadlines too
You know it just writing a page or two
You know what to write and how, but do you? 

Vessels get cleaned, the floor gets wiped
Clothes get washed, the food cooked fine
The laptop blinks: just a page or two,
The calendar reminds, but where are you? 

You hold your breath, can you feel yourself? 
You inhale and exhale till you are almost senseless.
Just a page or two, just one more call, just a meeting or two
Listen, write, it is not so much to do.
You can multitask: listen as you clean, 
Write as you weep.

Drip. Drip. Drip. That is not your energy.
It is you leaving the shell of your body.
Reset. Recover. Discover, the joy in you. 
No one can help, if you do not prioritise you.

- Written on 16 May 2021. 
- Self-explanatory. 

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