Monday, September 16, 2024

Happy Birthday, Amma! 2024

2022, we lost you
2024, we miss you
Years pass, the loss stings less
But suddenly one remembers and it is not painless
As I tried remembering who gifted me
A dress, a chain, an art piece
I turned to ask you, as I usually would
But you were not there and it hurt good
The memory of the gifting I had forgotten I realized,
Coz I had not enough times with you the incident revised
Our late night talks, the reminisce of gratitude
Our random tête-à-têtes that contextualised actions and attitudes.
All the learnings and wisdom and processing that I miss now
The way your words just made me see light somehow. 
The tiredness of the loneliness of the soul
Even though friends will gladly me cajole or console, 
It is not same. It is not you, Amma. 
It is not the reprimand mixed with love and laughs.

Happy Birthday! Have fun wherever you be
And don't worry, I don't need your slap. I will stop being gloomy 😜

- Written on 16 September 2024. 
- Self-explanatory. But it does feel that I am wishing her more post her death than I made an event of it all the years she was alive. We were never the birthday celebrating family :D. She would actually hate all this sentimentality and have given me a good talking to at the very least. Bah! Humbug! Much ado about nothing! :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi, 2024!

 Ganesha, we welcome you again, 
In our hearts and homes you reign. 
Can you but stay longer, 
Such that you change our practices forever? 
We need you, but more in our brains, 
So we can understand what are true gains. 

To waste not, want not more than we need, 
To succumb not to selfishness and greed.
To protect the vulnerable and the weak, 
To treat equally all that breathe. 
To ensure that truth prevails,
That the environment, we will not fail.

Ganesha, you prove 
That a large body need but a mouse to move. 
Then why do we hoard so? 
Why can't we see beyond the glitter glow?
You are here today, and on 17 Sep we will you immerse, 
And ask that you return soon to bless us from these waters.
But could you just ensure before you go
That we will act, we will tread the right path that we know?
Could you ensure that we know what is right?
And ensure for that we have the courage and skills to fight?

Ganesha, Mangal Murti, who needs no such form, 
Ganesha, Sarvatman, Siddhipriya, help us reform.

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi, 2024!

- Written on 7 Sep 2024.
- Vinayaka Chathurthi was on Sat, 7 Sep and Anant Chathurthi is on 17 Sep this year.

Link to FB post (also on IG)

Happy Teacher's Day, 2024

Teacher's Day dawns again
'Educate. Liberate.' - the refrain.
Now when the educated are shackled
When voices raised are to silence heckled
When daring is replaced by fears
When imagination only lands one in tears
When to question is decried as a crime
When to even think differently goes against the prevailing clime. 
Now when the world needs saving from human greed
When wants are confused with need
When wars ravage for no known cause
When calamities are ignored with humanity on pause.
Now, is when we need education more than ever
An inspirer, a motivator, a dreamer, a doer, 
An activist, a thinker, a fearless leader:

Happy Teacher's Day! 
Catalyse education and liberation each and every day :)


- Written and drawn on 5 Sep 2024.
- Self-explanatory.
Link to post on Facebook (also on IG) -

Monday, September 09, 2024

At what point?

At what point do we say enough is enough?
At what point need we finally act tough?
Does compromise lead to more compromise?
Do relationships and contexts improve because one sacrificed?
A matter of a few thousands or a couple of days
Or a matter of dignity, of respect, of better, rightful ways?
A matter of rights alone or also justice
A matter of individuals or a whole practice?
Should we compromise when we need not?
When we choose the lesser evil, it still is evil, is it not?
When standing up might mean lessons learned for the future?
If nothing else, that we stood true to our souls could reassure?
Should we really swallow our basic pride?
Can we really build futures when principles are cast aside?

-Written on 01 August 2024.
- See Media Coverage of Higher Education around this time.

ISEL Team Kudos! ELS 2024

An online conference does not feel so rewarding
To the organisers who oft only hear us complaining
They cannot see the smiles on our faces as we engage with ideas exemplary/
The "waah" moment or the spontaneous claps we give unwittingly.
We type, but not as often and not as quickly
And the texts do not always relay our appreciation and sincerity
But thank you for enabling these amazing events year on year
To the ISEL Team kudos and cheers!

In addition to the great choice of sessions and the extremely helpful team at all times, I think the excellent tech support and the overall team spirit that was seen as your team also supported each other as much as us and the WONDERFUL TIME MANAGEMENT and the COMMUNICATION across so many channels with timely reminders was so wonderful and really a learning experience in itself.

- Written on 27 July 2024
- Self-Explanatory. Last day of ISEL English Literature Summit 2024.